April 09, 2012
A bit over a year ago, I asked a question on the WordPress Stack Exchange site about importing content from a proprietary database into BuddyPress, the “social network in a box” plugin for WordPress. Not getting anything resembling a response, I ended up writing a whole schwack of MySQL statements. After answering my question on SO, I’ve averaged about an email every 4-6 months about how I managed to do what I did. Alas, I was a total jerk and couldn’t find the SQL I use and ended up ignoring most of them.
Until today!
Note that the following is not a one-click script that will import your users. It’s a starting point I’m posting in hopes that somebody finds it useful. You will need to modify it for your purposes, and *please, please, PLEASE* don’t use this on a production database, and make backups frequently. I take no responsibility if you screw something up with it!
Also attached to this post is an importer script Michael Dimunation sent me awhile back after I emailed him the SQL query in question. I have no idea what it does and have never used it — again, same caveats apply, but hopefully somebody finds it useful.
/* Query 1 */
INSERT INTO `WORDPRESS`.`wp_users` (`user_login`, `user_pass`, `user_nicename`, `user_email`, `user_registered`, `display_name`)
a.`username` as `user_login`,
MD5(a.`password`) as `user_pass`,
CONCAT(a.`first_name`,'-',a.`last_name`) as `user_nicename`,
b.`location_name` as `user_email`,
a.`row_created_date` as `user_registered`,
CONCAT(a.`first_name`,' ',a.`last_name`) as `user_displayname`
FROM `ORIGINAL`.`business_associate` AS a
LEFT JOIN `ORIGINAL`.`ba_contact_info` AS b ON b.`business_associate` = a.`business_associate` AND b.`location_id` = 'email'
WHERE a.`ba_type` = 'person';
/* Query 2 -- First Name */
INSERT INTO `WORDPRESS`.`wp_usermeta` (`user_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`)
`ID` as `user_id`,
'first_name' as `meta_key`,
SUBSTRING_INDEX(`display_name`, ' ', 1) as `meta_value`
FROM `WORDPRESS`.`wp_users`;
/* Query 3 -- Last Name */
INSERT INTO `WORDPRESS`.`wp_usermeta` (`user_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`)
`ID` as `user_id`,
'last_name' as `meta_key`,
SUBSTRING(`display_name`, INSTR(`display_name`, ' ')) as `meta_value`
FROM `WORDPRESS`.`wp_users`;
/* Query 4 -- Nick Name */
INSERT INTO `WORDPRESS`.`wp_usermeta` (`user_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`)
`ID` as `user_id`,
'nickname' as `meta_key`,
`display_name` as `meta_value`
FROM `WORDPRESS`.`wp_users`;
/* Query 5 -- Last Activity */
INSERT INTO `WORDPRESS`.`wp_usermeta` (`user_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`)
`ID` as `user_id`,
'last_activity' as `meta_key`,
'2010-12-06 20:46:27' as `meta_value`
FROM `WORDPRESS`.`wp_users`;
/* Broken from here ...
//user privs query 5.1
INSERT INTO `WORDPRESS`.`wp_usermeta` (`user_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`)
`ID` as `user_id`,
'wp_capabilities' as `meta_key`,
'a:1:{s:15:'s2member_level1';s:1:'1';}' as `meta_value`
FROM `WORDPRESS`.`wp_users`
WHERE `ID` != '1' OR '247' OR '379';
//user level query 6
INSERT INTO `WORDPRESS`.`wp_usermeta` (`user_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`)
`ID` as `user_id`,
'wp_user_level' as `meta_key`,
'0' as `meta_value`
FROM `WORDPRESS`.`wp_users`;
...broken to here */
/* Query 7 -- BP Name */
INSERT INTO `WORDPRESS`.`wp_bp_xprofile_data` (`field_id`, `user_id`, `value`, `last_updated`)
'1' as `field_id`,
`ID` as `user_id`,
`display_name` as `value`,
NOW() as `last_updated`
FROM `WORDPRESS`.`wp_users`;
/* Query 8 -- BP Phone */
INSERT INTO `WORDPRESS`.`wp_bp_xprofile_data` (`field_id`, `user_id`, `value`, `last_updated`)
'4' as `field_id`,
e.`ID` as `user_id`,
c.`location_name` as `value`,
NOW() as `last_updated`
FROM `ORIGINAL`.`business_associate` as a
LEFT JOIN `ORIGINAL`.`ba_contact_info` AS b ON b.`business_associate` = a.`business_associate` AND b.`location_id` = 'email'
LEFT JOIN `ORIGINAL`.`ba_contact_info` AS c ON c.`business_associate` = a.`business_associate` AND c.`location_id` = 'phone'
LEFT JOIN `ORIGINAL`.`ba_contact_info` AS d ON d.`business_associate` = a.`business_associate` AND d.`location_id` = 'fax'
LEFT JOIN `WORDPRESS`.`wp_users` as e ON e.`user_login` = a.`username`
WHERE `ba_type` = 'person';
/* Query 9 -- BP Fax */
INSERT INTO `WORDPRESS`.`wp_bp_xprofile_data` (`field_id`, `user_id`, `value`, `last_updated`)
'5' as `field_id`,
e.`ID` as `user_id`,
d.`location_name` as `value`,
NOW() as `last_updated`
FROM `ORIGINAL`.`business_associate` as a
LEFT JOIN `ORIGINAL`.`ba_contact_info` AS d ON d.`business_associate` = a.`business_associate` AND d.`location_id` = 'fax'
LEFT JOIN `WORDPRESS`.`wp_users` as e ON e.`user_login` = a.`username`
WHERE `ba_type` = 'person';
/* Query 10 -- BP Email */
INSERT INTO `WORDPRESS`.`wp_bp_xprofile_data` (`field_id`, `user_id`, `value`, `last_updated`)
'6' as `field_id`,
e.`ID` as `user_id`,
d.`location_name` as `value`,
NOW() as `last_updated`
FROM `ORIGINAL`.`business_associate` as a
LEFT JOIN `ORIGINAL`.`ba_contact_info` AS d ON d.`business_associate` = a.`business_associate` AND d.`location_id` = 'email'
LEFT JOIN `WORDPRESS`.`wp_users` as e ON e.`user_login` = a.`username`
WHERE `ba_type` = 'person';
/* Query 11 -- BP Company */
INSERT INTO `WORDPRESS`.`wp_bp_xprofile_data` (`field_id`, `user_id`, `value`, `last_updated`)
'2' as `field_id`,
e.`ID` as `user_id`,
f.`ba_name` as `value`,
NOW() as `last_updated`
FROM `ORIGINAL`.`business_associate` as a
LEFT JOIN `ORIGINAL`.`ba_employee` AS d ON d.`employee_ba_id` = a.`business_associate`
LEFT JOIN `WORDPRESS`.`wp_users` as e ON e.`user_login` = a.`username`
INNER JOIN `ORIGINAL`.`business_associate` as f ON f.`business_associate` = d.`employer_ba_id`
WHERE a.`ba_type` = 'person';